Could Asbestos Be Lurking in a Home You Plan to Buy?

Are you planning to buy an older home? If so, there are a lot of things you’ll want to know about the home, including whether or not there’s any asbestos present.

You might wonder if asbestos even exists anymore. Sure,

How Long Does the Closing Process Take on a Home Sale?

Whether you’re on the buying or selling end of a real estate deal, you probably have a specific date in mind for when you’d like the deal to close. But generally speaking, closing shouldn’t be too quick nor too long.

Should You Remodel or Tear Down and Rebuild?

Whether you’re considering buying a fixer-upper or already own a house that could use a little TLC, you may have wondered if it’s worth renovating or tearing down and rebuilding altogether. The pros and cons of each are pretty obvious:

8 Tips to Maximize Your Chances of Profiting When Selling

Every home seller wants to get as much money as they can from their sale. If you’ve owned your home for a while and the real estate market in your area is healthy, odds are your home is worth a

INFOGRAPHIC: 8 Stats on Today’s Millennial Homebuyer

8 Renting Myths, Debunked

Whether you’re currently on the prowl for a rental unit or are just casually considering renting, there’s a lot to think about. The thing is, there’s a lot of information about renting floating around out there, much of which is

6 Things You Need to Know Before Renting Out a Condo

Renting out a property is a great way to bring in supplemental income, whether it’s a home, apartment, condo, or other type of real estate. But there are rules that landlords must adhere to in order to comply with the

7 Things Mortgage Brokers Want Borrowers to Know

Just the thought of having to go through the mortgage process after deciding to buy a home can seem daunting for the average buyer. It can seem like a complicated process with all of the numbers and calculations involved.
